

Easy Hikes

easy hikes
Easy Hikes

Easy hikes are great places for who may just started to hike or for people who enjoy the easy and slow paced hiking and love to stop and enjoy or take photographs.

Easy events are usually mostly flat, with very little elevation change, no steep hills or inclines and even footing with very little loose gravel, large rocks or roots that may cause unstable footing.

Here is a list of Easy hikes:

  • Balboa Park trail
  • Dust Devil Trail
  • Del Mar Harper Creek Pools
  • Cuyamaca Rancho State Park
  • Tijuana Estuary Trail
  • Imperial Beach

Moderate Hikes

moderate hikes
Moderate Hikes

Moderate hikes are for less experienced as well as experienced hikers.

Moderate hikes or walks are moderate in distance and difficulty. They may have more inclines, hills or elevation changes, but should be manageable by anyone who is moderately active

Here is the list of Moderate hikes:

  • Cuyamaca Rancho State Park
  • Fry Creek Trail
  • Palomar Mountain/Cleveland National Forest
  • Pacific Crest Trail

Strenuous Hikes

strenuous hikes
Strenuous Hikes

The experience and seasoned hikers enjoy the strenuous hikes.

Hard hikes are more difficult.

When we rate a trail hard, it should be because the trail has many inclines or steep hills, a long, steady climb, many steps or stairs, roots, slippery rocks or other difficult terrain. Footing is usually very irregular, uneven or otherwise more unpredictable.

Sturdy shoes with tread should be considered and hiking poles may be recommended.

Here is the list of Strenuous hikes:

  • Iron Mountain at the intersection of Poway Road and Highway 67 in Poway
  • Los Peñasquitos waterfall trail