
Hiking Tips

Plan your hike

Know your path. Review the map of you path, and check the weather. Let your family or friends know when and where you are going and coming back.

Be prepared

List of what you need:

  1. Trail shoes
  2. Map and Compass
  3. Water
  4. Hot drink
  5. Extra Food
  6. Rain Gear
  7. Extra clothing
  8. Flash light
  9. First aid kit
  10. Knife or multi-purpose tool
  11. Sunscreen
  12. Sunglasses
  13. Hat
  14. Backpack
  15. Whistle
  16. Cellphone
  17. Extra Battery and charger

Don’t Get Lost, Have a Backup Plan

No one ever plans to get lost, but it does sometimes happen. Follow these tips from the pros for a fun and safe hike.

Avoid hiking alone because the “buddy system” is safer during any type of activity. If traveling with a group, never stray from the group.

Never climb on waterfalls.

Tell someone where you are going and when you will return. Don’t forget to check in with them when you get back.

All hikers (especially children and older adults) should carry a whistle, which can be heard far away and takes less energy than yelling. Three short blasts is a sign of distress.

Don’t count on cell phones to work in the wilderness. Also, don't rely on a GPS to prevent you from getting lost. Batteries can die or the equipment can become damaged or lost.

Wear bright colors. Don’t dress children in camouflage.